Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and we all bring something different to the table, no matter where that table may be. I bring what I call an unwavering voice, for I do not take things at face value and have no problem stating what I believe. You never have to guess where I stand on an issue, I will always let you know where I stand and will want to see where you stand on something or what your thoughts are about something. I love to talk about things with people and go back and contemplate what it was that we have discussed. Sometimes I change my opinion completely and sometimes I do not, but I always have a reason for my stance that I will take on a situation. I believe that this is a strength that I particularly bring to the table. Not everybody questions everything that they read. In the political science field, I have found this to be very advantageous, for with differing ideas about things, it brings about differing perspectives and can lead to discussions that bring about new questions and different ideas that may have not been uprooted before. Although this has been a strength, it has also been a weakness at times for me. It has been a weakness, because some people see me as very opinionated and argumentative and feel that I am too assertive in my opinions. Once someone feels this way the conversation ends and they avoid me and all of the knowledge that could have been gained has been lost. This is something that I have to be aware of and take time to be more tactful in my discussions. Overall though, I believe this is a strength that leads me to many new ideas that I find very intriguing.
Along with my firm stance, I also bring a wealth of experience to the table. This I believe is one of my greatest assets and one of the reasons that I stand so firm in my beliefs. I have had the opportunity to be in many differing situations in my life that have given me many of my strong beliefs and insights. I have been in situations where I have been very uncomfortable and have made it through. I have also faced much adversity in critical situations. With these experiences has come some knowledge about myself that not all people may have. For I know that when a situation becomes critical I can take charge and will remain calm and in control. I can take the lead and will not hesitate to make a decision or take the consequence for that decision. Many of my experience have helped me to gain that knowledge of myself and what my capabilities are in certain situations. This can be a very valuable strength that I bring to the table also.
With this firm stance and experience I bring a passion for finding things out and passing them on to others. I love to share my experiences with people and I love fighting for what I believe in. I desire to share with people that knowledge that I have gained and gain the knowledge that they have obtained. I love going to conferences and talking to people about their research and seeing how it connects with mine and how I may be able to take their knowledge and expand mine. I live for these conversations and cannot wait to be in a position where I can share ideas every day with people. The passionate search for knowledge and sharing of knowledge is the greatest strength that I bring to the table. It is what makes me who I am. I want to debate and share ideas with everyone who will debate with me, it is what makes me who I am.
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